COMING SOON! “Pilgrim Letters”. The first letter will be mailed in June!

Jesse’s Journey: Through His Mother’s Eyes


Author: Amy Tester

In the pages of this heart wrenching book, author Amy Tester shares with readers her powerful story of hope and trust in God in the midst of great pain, suffering, and loss. What began as  journal entries shared online with family and friends during her son’s battle with cancer is now Jesse’s Journey: Through His Mother’s Eyes.


In the pages of this heart wrenching book, author Amy Tester shares with readers her powerful story of hope and trust in God in the midst of great pain, suffering, and loss. What began as  journal entries shared online with family and friends during her son’s battle with cancer is now Jesse’s Journey: Through His Mother’s Eyes.

Amy writes . . .

“I keep thinking back to last summer. Jesse wanted a cell phone because ‘all his friends had one.’ We told him if we got him one, he had to help around the house and babysit Carlie while I went to work. Well, that was the plan. I would leave for work at 7:15 some mornings and they would both still be sleeping. Sometimes I would come home, and she would still be in her pj’s. Other times she and Jesse would be over at the neighbors pestering them for cookies and ‘arshmellows’ (as Carlie would say). One particular day I get home from work and Carlie is sitting on the couch watching TV. I asked her where Jesse was. She said, ‘Bubby is in the potty with his friends.’ LOL. So I went down to the bathroom, and there was my son and two of his friends dying their hair jet black! OH MY! LOL. Now as I’m sitting here, it’s like it was all so long ago. He always said he wanted to be ‘normal.’ That day he was. He was a typical teenage boy who didn’t have to wonder if he would relapse or anything like that. He had a fun day—and of course made a mess. But at times like that he didn’t have to worry about being ‘the kid with cancer.’”

Weight .85 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × .6875 × 8.5 in


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