COMING SOON! “Pilgrim Letters”. The first letter will be mailed in June!

Angela L. Schwieterman

Author & Speaker

Angela L. Schwieterman is the proud mom of five children, a coveted title that defines her identity in this world. Heeding a call placed on her spirit to journal, she witnessed a new passion for writing that fulfilled her spirit in ways she couldn’t dream. She carries a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, with a previous career in accounting. However, the call for writing has awakened a new aspiration—to document her journey of faith and their family’s unique life, through an unfiltered lens.

Angie works from home in rural west central Ohio, where she shares a blessed life with her husband, Ryan, and their farming family. She is a member of St. Sebastian Catholic Church, where she serves as Lector and a member of the choir. In addition to writing, Angie enjoys the simplicities of country life, including bike rides, listening to podcasts, and camping. 

Join author Angela Schwieterman on her journey of Finding Foundation in the pages of this personal narrative revealing her unique conversion experience into the Roman Catholic Church. Along the way, you will learn how the many trials of life showed her how lost she was in her faith and how (much to her surprise) the Lord called her home from the most unlikely of places, the footnotes of her husband’s Catholic Bible.

She writes . . .

“Do all these denominations keep popping up because members realize that something is missing in their theology, and they are continuing to search? That is where I was, searching for my foundation to build upon. I was suspicious of the ‘truths’ I had been taught and confused as to why my beliefs were so contrary to what was being preached. I wanted the genuine faith and I knew God was calling me to His truth . . .

 [I]n that moment when I realized that the Catholic Church’s beliefs lined up with my own, I felt such relief. Relief and shock. Utter shock that the truth I had been seeking was found in the very same faith that I had been merely tolerating for eight years! I had been fighting for so long against what I thought the Catholic Church represented and now I saw it was where I belonged . . .”

In the pages of her newest book, author Angela Schwieterman shares with readers the story of her journey of faith during her daughter’s journey of life. In her words: “Part One of this book follows our story through the difficult pregnancy and Mayah’s six-month stay in the NICU following her miraculous birth. It was the darkest year of my life, full of doubt and consumed by fear. As I leaned on the Lord in my despair, the seeds of hope began to emerge, and we rejoiced with news of her discharge—Mayah’s journey home. Part Two depicts us in our new role as caregivers to our trach- and ventilator-dependent daughter. The uncertainty and fear were still very much present, but hope continued to grow as we embraced our new life. My faith had become tied to a promise in my heart of Mayah’s healing. That faith would turn into an obsessive pursuit of bringing the hopeful healing into reality. The false foundation of my faith was repeatedly revealed as I continued to question God’s love. Despite the many detours I made on my journey of faith, the Lord remained faithful and was patiently laying the groundwork for me to hear His call—the Lord would call me home—to the Catholic Church. This is our story. Close to God: Our Journey Home.

She writes . . .

“This whole agonizing experience had been a journey of redemption, one that had brought me to my knees. It broke me completely; the light and joy left my eyes and heart several times. God rescued me from the pit of despair, He gave me unexplainable peace, and He led me through His Word to a new place. It was like a lightbulb went on in my mind and brightened every thought. All the doubt that was always lingering in my mind, constantly questioning God’s goodness, it was finally dissipating.

Just a couple of weeks prior I couldn’t even honestly say that if I had it all to do over, I would. What if we had waited another month to get pregnant, would we still have had a baby with birth defects? I was too ashamed to verbalize the thought, but it was always there. Now I knew that this amazing miracle was my gift, and I wouldn’t change what we had endured.

‘How could anything good come from this?’ I had uttered those words several times. Amazingly, I could now declare God’s goodness and testify that He was working our situation for good. He didn’t want to change our situation, He wanted to change our hearts and minds.

It was a beautiful lesson of love. Oh, if only I could have retained the lesson. Instead, I would have to relearn it many times.”

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Finding Faith

Author Angela Schwieterman shares her testimony of God’s endless mercy and His gentle call to follow Him home to the fullness of the faith. Her journey of “Finding Faith” includes the story of her unique conversion into the Roman Catholic Church after persevering through the trials of a difficult pregnancy and her new role that came after as the mother of a trach- and ventilator-dependent daughter.

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