JOIN US IN OUR MISSION to “share the stories of our souls one intimate moment at a time”. Our Lenten Almsgiving Appeal is now under way.

Spreading the love of Jesus by

Sharing the Stories of Our Souls

one intimate moment at a time.

Spreading the love of Jesus by

Sharing the Stories

of Our Souls

one intimate moment at a time.

Spreading the love of Jesus by

Sharing the Stories

of Our Souls

one intimate moment at a time.

“The purposes of this Association are to become the home for the spiritual journal, helping others develop lives of deep prayer, study, contemplation and service, and to create a culture of openness to inspire others to break down their walls.”

from the decree officially recognizing Journeys Revealed Ministries as a Private Association of the Faithful
signed by Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati and Reverend Steve J. Angi, Chancellor

“Ah! what a surprise we shall have at the end of the world when we shall read the story of souls!”

-St. Thérèse of Lisieux

What is a Spiritual Journal?

We spend time, energy, and money taking photos and videos of our lives here as they unfold so that we can preserve these precious memories and hand them down to the generations that are to come. These photos and videos are often missing something, though. For the most part, they only tell the story of our exterior lives. So, the question remains: How do we share the story of what is going on in our interior lives?

This is where the spiritual journal comes in. More times than not (even if we’re not intending it to be), our spiritual journals become one of the most real and authentic places we give witness to the Hand of God always at work in the life of our souls, simply by being honest with Him (and with ourselves) as we put our pens to paper. For many, writing in this sort of “I’m holding nothing back” kind of a way is a helpful tool that aids in the growth of the writer’s soul as this person learns to live a more recollected life of prayer. And, as if that wasn’t enough, these authentically written words then give us something real, beautiful, and tangible that we could (God willing) share with others as we witness to what He, the true Author of the Story of our Soul, is at work doing IN us.

But being open and honest and vulnerable, even with God in prayer, can be difficult—like really difficult. So, that’s where we come in! A part of the Journeys Revealed Ministries mission is to encourage and enable others to “break down their walls” as they grow in their life of prayer and in their relationship with Christ. Now, though we certainly don’t plan on publishing every single word we ever write (or every word we might inspire someone else to write), we do plan on becoming “the home for the spiritual journal.”  And, in so doing, we hope to become a place where the most intimate recesses and depths of our souls (and yours!), as captured in the written words of our spiritual journals, find their ultimate “home” in Christ by first finding their “home” in us.

Interested in sharing the story of your soul by publishing your journal? Check out this video about how journals become books in the JRM office. Or you can begin your journey by starting with a Spiritual Companionship appointment with Julia.

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Do you feel called to join us in our mission? There are many ways to get involved, but please start by praying for us and for the fruitfulness of our ministry. The financial support we receive from generous donors is also deeply appreciated. There are significant costs associated with publishing books, hosting events, and providing the resources writers and speakers need to share the story of their soul. Click the button below to offer your gift and to learn more about what the future holds for us at Journeys Revealed Ministries.

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