COMING SOON! “Pilgrim Letters”. The first letter will be mailed in June!


Beth Dunn is a woman married to a good man, John, and stepmother to his three children. She derives great pleasure from the adventure of meeting new people and learning their stories. From working fifteen years in Hollywood, she’s learned it’s not what you know as much as who you know that will take you to the places you want to go. To date, the most important Person she has met, Jesus Christ, has been leading her journey up and down (in her ability to hear high and low tones, until she turned deaf), in and out (in US-Russian nuclear weapons complex, while making a documentary film), and through thick and thin (in different faith expressions, eventually reverting to the Catholic Church), always moving toward an eternal destination she hopes to eventually experience. All are invited along the narrow road to heaven.


In a riveting record from personal journals, Finding My Feminine shares the story of Beth Dunn’s soul: a female Baby Boomer raised Catholic in America who failed at romance with her boyfriend and instead found herself trying to experience love with a girlfriend. Driven by the basic need for love, but thwarted by her inability to draw close enough to either gender to satisfy her longing, Beth finally let God work on her behalf. This book shows how each of Beth’s halting steps brought her increased integration as she confessed her weaknesses, forgave those who wounded her, lived chastely, and most of all, received the Father’s love as His daughter—both beautiful and feminine.

Inside the pages of this book, Beth writes:

Despite the fact that I never yielded my body to unnatural sexual relations with women, I needed to reckon with both same sex attraction and gender confusion. To become a victor in life I had to become my authentic self: the female God made me to be. Ideally, the culture, the community, and the Church should support people who want to be similarly victorious.

The culmination of my search to find my true feminine is to be free enough to express my heart with all the love in it. . . .

I am a work in progress and always will be, but with a heart of flesh I am now liberated to share love with others. In the end I am . . . truly feminine.


There’s a key to chastity that I didn’t know at this stage in my life: chastity unlocks power to integrate the people who practice it. – Beth Dunn

“The chaste person maintains the integrity of the powers of life and love placed in him. This integrity ensures the unity of the person; it is opposed to any behavior that would impair it.” (CCC, 2338)

Are you looking for a Speaker?

The Healing Power of Christ on the Narrow Path of Chastity

Beth shares the story of her soul: a story of God’s healing in her personal identity, including gender. As Beth found healing on the narrow path of chastity, she uncovered clue after clue about the missing elements of her femininity, until the mystery of broken trust was solved, and the pain of lost love was healed.

“As an infant I suffered a traumatic break in relation to my mother. I grew up a moody rebellious child who refused my mother’s attempts to nurture me. Dividing walls were thick by adolescence and it seems I rejected not only my mother but my own gender identity, because I could not say with confidence, ‘I enjoy being a girl.’ After college I became so attached to a female housemate that when she moved out to pursue a relationship with another woman, I was devastated. I dated, even getting marriage proposals, but I refused, not able to trust the love of a man. Then I began to journal, pouring out pain and promises . . . the promises of God’s love and care to meet me in my misery. And that’s exactly what happened. Gradually the Holy Spirit uncovered the roots of my broken relationships and applied supernatural healing power through Christ-centered friendships. Over time I ventured to trust. Now I am the woman God made me, married to a good man.” – Beth Dunn

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