Spiritual Companionship

“Almost from the beginning, I saw that, out of his own experience, he understood me. And that was all I needed . . . I needed someone who had gone through it all himself, for such a person alone could understand me and interpret my experiences.

– St. Teresa of Avila

Ever find yourself longing to sit down with someone one-on-one in a confidential environment to talk about the story of your soul? JRM’s “spiritual companions” are here to help! Our spiritual companions are available to sit down with you when you find yourself needing a listening ear and a loving, understanding presence. Appointments can be scheduled below in the online calendar. Want to learn more before scheduling? Feel free to reach out to us at jrm@journeysrevealed.com with any questions. (Note: Meetings usually last about one hour and are typically held in the JRM office in downtown Botkins. There is no fee for this service, however donations can be made here.)

Julia Monnin, OCDS

Julia Monnin, OCDS

Julia Monnin is a small-town girl whose “rocky” young adult years were followed by a massive conversion in her late twenties. After living a life of deadly sin for more years than she would like to admit, she eventually found God’s endless love and mercy and her fresh start in the practices of the Roman Catholic faith she grew up in. She published her first book, The World Is Noisy – God Whispers: Volume I in 2017 and her second, The World Is Noisy – God Whispers: The Daily Devotional in 2019. Her third and fourth books (Volume II and The Second Daily Devotional) were both released in 2023. She also hosts The World Is Noisy – God Whispers® Podcast.  Julia is the founder and president of Journeys Revealed Ministries and also the Director of Apostolic Works . She has a degree in Psychology and made her Definitive Promises in the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCDS) on December 14, 2021. Julia lives with her husband and son in west central Ohio where she joyfully and gratefully lives out her vocation as a wife and mother.


Theresa Jenkins

Upon completing college in North Carolina and receiving a degree in special education, Theresa met her future husband, moved back to Ohio, and the rest, as they say, is history!  She enjoys daily Mass, milking the family milk cow, and being in the kitchen.  She has always loved the Blessed Mother and strives to live by the motto “Fiat Voluntas Tua,” which is translated “Thy Will be Done.”  While Theresa will admit that she is, and will continue to be, a work in progress, her yearning to seek the Lord and draw closer to Him is the desire and longing of her heart. Theresa is originally from New Bremen and currently resides in Anna with her husband and three children where she has been a stay-at-home mom for the last eighteen years. Theresa is also a fully professed secular member of the Discalced Carmelites (OCDS). She made her Definitive Promises in December of 2023.

Book your appointment with Julia* or Theresa

*If the above appointment times do not work for you, you may book an appointment with Julia by special request. Email your request here.

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